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AFA 2-day Bus Trip to the awesome National Museum of the U.S. Air Force March 01-02 2025

2025 March 01-02 Air Force Museum Trip

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For questions please call us at 586-224-4885



Who: Anyone. Open to the Public.

What: A 2-day bus trip to the awesome National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

When: Saturday 01 March – Sunday 02 March (planned evening return)

Where: From Ann Arbor Area (exact meeting/loading location with safe parking TBD) to Dayton, Ohio and the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.

Why: Fascinating history, great camaraderie, fun, facts, and more . . .

How: Register now.  Right here. First-class tour bus service reserved as first come, first serve.


Other information:

AFA-MI will provide transportation, lodging and museum entrance

Hotel TBD. The room prices are INCLUDED in the trip pricing. The hotel has full amenities including restaurants for dinner

Planned Itinerary:

Depart from a location TBD on Saturday 01 March

  • Luxury Tour Buses
  • 4.5-5 hour bus trip to Dayton. Buses will have DVD and PA systems – museum history and discussions en route
  • Arrive at National Museum of the Air Force at or before Noon.
  • Museum until 5pm (closing)

Overnight on 01 March (planned evening return)at the Hotel  (The room rate is INCLUDED in the registration)

  • Dinner on each person’s own at the hotel Restaurant that evening
  • Socialize and adult beverages at the bar as desired

Depart the Hotel checked out and boarded TBD then head to the museum

  • Breakfast available in the hotel
  • Individuals tour museum on their own 9am-2:30pm.  The museum has cafés for lunch.
  • Board buses for trip home ~ 4.5 – 5 hours arriving at starting point of origin at approx. 7-8pm
  • Dinner plans for the ride home TBD


Information we will require from each registrant:

Email (we protect contact information and do not share names or information with anyone)
Mobile phone (preferably the one that will be used by the registrant while on the trip)

Any special requests or accommodations?



That. Is. All.